Certification Exam level 1
The Level 1 Practitioner Certification is designed for individuals who operate standard introductory activities, low challenge course activities and initiatives and standard high challenge course activities. This entry-level certification is offered to individuals who have completed 7 days or 70 hours of training and have demonstrated competence in basic program knowledge and technical skills. Candidates must also be able to document a minimum of 25 challenge course program facilitation days with 8 hours being considered a day.
Cost = $210.00
Certification Exam level 2
This level of certification requires additional training as well as broader program knowledge, theoretical understanding, and technical skills. In addition to the competencies of Level 1, Level 2 certification requires training in challenge course rescue procedures, the ability to safely operate climbing towers and other more complex high challenge course activities. These candidates often supervise other less experienced challenge course staff.
Cost = $235
challenge course manager exam
This certification is designed for program directors, course managers and others who have program management responsibilities. Candidates must have completed and hold current Level 2 certification to be eligible for Challenge Course Manager (CCM) Certification. Candidates must be able to document a minimum of 14 days of training and 200 program days of challenge course facilitation experience.
Cost = $340
tRAINING pATHWAYS for each level of certification:
As an Association for Challenge Course Technologies (ACCT) Professional Vendor Member (PVM), Project Adventure’s services meet or exceed ACCT’s Practitioner Certification Standards. Project Adventure, Inc. is an accredited certifying body in compliance with ACCT’s PVM requirements. We offer three Practitioner Certifications (PC): Level 1, Level 2, and Course Manager. Our Open Enrollment Workshops are intended to prepare a practitioner for the written and practical exam.
Note: PA’s requirements for training hours/days and facilitation experience exceed the minimum required by ACCT for each certification (PCL1, PCL2, and CM). Each Level is broken down into the trainings and experiences required to take PA’s Certification Exam. Project Adventure only offers Full Certification (Spotted/Low Elements and High Elements combined).
Level One Path
Start: No previous Challenge Course experience
Step 1: Attend Adventure Programming (4 days or 40 hours) Open Workshop workshop.
Step 2: Work on a challenge course under the supervision of a senior staff to gain experience. Minimum of 25 days (200 hours) of course experience needed before testing. Begin Challenge Course portfolio. Visit the ACCT site for a link to an example portfolio.
Step 3: Attend Technical Skills Intensive (3 days or 30 hours) Open Enrollment workshop.
Step 4: Confirm Project Adventure certification requirements have been met for Level 1:
7 days/70 hours of training (this can be a combination of in-house and professional training)
25 days / 200 hours of course experience
Step 5: Apply for Practitioner Certification Level 1 Exam
Step 6: Level 1 Certification is good for 1 year. Begin working on Level 2 requirements.
Level Two Path
There are pre-requisites of the Level One trainings and experience prior to attending the Level 2 Advanced training course. In-house training can substitute for some of this but professional training by a PVM is encouraged.
Step 1: Complete Level One requirements for training and experience.
Step 2: Attend Advanced Skills & Standards (4 days or 40 hours) Open Enrollment workshop.
Step 3: Confirm Project Adventure certification requirements have been met for Level 2:
11 days/110 hours of training (this can be a combination of in-house and professional training)
100 days / 800 hours of course experience
Step 4: Apply for Practitioner Certification Level 2 Exam
Step 5: Level 2 Certification is good for 3 years. Keep training current and prepare for Course Manager if applicable to your situation.
Challenge Course Manager Path
Step 1: Complete Level Two requirements for training and experience.
Step 2: Attend Adventure Program Management (3 days or 30 hours) Open Enrollment workshop./
Step 3: Confirm Project Adventure certification requirements have been met for the Challenge Course Manager:
14 days / 140 hours of training (this can be a combination of in-house and professional training). At least 30 hours of management training 16 of which shall be specific to challenge course management.
200 days / 1600 hours of course experience
Step 4: Apply for Challenge Course Manager Exam
Step 5: Challenge Course Manager Certification is good for 5 years.
*Not everyone must achieve a certification. Contact us at 978.524.4554 for more details on what the best options are for you.
For more information on ACCT and the certification standards, see the Association for Challenge Course Technology website.
Skills Verification is another option for your site while preparing for certification. Contact us at 978.524.4554 for more information.